How Clean is Clean Enough?
Miniaturization, component density, and harsh environments, have contributed to the increasing in-field failures of circuit assembles caused by electrical chemical migration (ECM). Post-reflow contamination removal is one of the fastest growing reliability-enhancing processes.
How clean should an assembly be? What quantification methods are being used to determine an assembly's cleanliness?
Various cleanliness assessment techniques will be presented including SIR, ROSE, Ion Chromatography, and other cleanliness assessment methods. A review of the new IPC cleanliness testing standards will be reviewed in addition to alternate test methods.
Factors that influence cleanliness requirements will be discussed.
This is an interactive presentation. Attendees will be able to ask questions and receive answers during the webinar.
Who should attend?
This webinar is designed for both contract manufacturers and OEM's who clean or are considering a cleaning process .
This webinar is free of charge and attendance is limited. Register today!